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Kinaree TMC
Certification Courses
in Thai Yoga Bodywork
Bringing the Thai Wellness Experience to the World

Mythological Kinaree
Thai Foot Reflexology - TMC Certification (12 Hours)
​​Course Objectives: To learn to use the Thai "stick" to apply pressure to specific reflex points on the foot. With this certifiction the Provider will be able to give a client a 30 minute Thai Foot Reflexology treatment that will be effective and stimulating.
Prerequisite: None

Thai Table Massage - TMC Certification​ (12 Hours)
​​Course Objectives: Learn to apply the Thai massage techniques that are appropriate for the massage table, while maintaining the effectiveness and safety of the techniques.
Prerequisite: None
Thai Chair Massage - TMC Certification (12 Hours)
​​Course Objectives: To learn appropriate Thai techniques to be applied while the client is seated in a massage chair. The student can learn to apply techniques that are effective for the head, neck, shoulders and back.
Prerequisite: None

Advanced Healing Arts - (30 Hours)
​​Course Objectives: An advanced course that aims to gain a greater understanding of the body's response to the techniques (pressure points and stretching) applied in previous courses. In addition, it explores the relationships between "Sen-Sib", Meridians, Acupressure, Trigger-point, Chakras and Chi.
Prerequisite: TMC Certification Levels I, II & III, Fundamentals of Anatomy & Physiology
Note: Not TMC Certified.

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