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Kinaree TMC
Certification Courses
in Thai Yoga Bodywork
Bringing the Thai Wellness Experience to the World

Mythological Kinaree
Foundation of Thai Massage - TMC Certification Level I​ (30 Hours)
​​Course Objectives: To learn the process, positions and transitions for 151 different techniques from sitting, side lying, face down (prone}, face up (supine) . Emphasis is placed on safety, politeness and effectiveness. Upon completion of Level I, the student can perform a 2 hour massage on a recipient.
Prerequisite: None
Note: Upon enrollment all students become affiliates of the Thai Massage School of Chiang Mai and certificates are issued by the school in Thailand.

Thai Massage Enhancement - TMC Certification Level II​ (30 Hours)
​​Course Objectives: To develop confidence in performing and mastering the techniques learned in Level I. Level II adds 18 new techniques. Upon completion of Level II, the student can design a treatment that focuses on specific issues. Students learn to focus on specific conditions
Prerequisite: TMC Certification Level I
Therapeutic Thai Massage - TMC Certification Level III​ (30 Hours)
​​Course Objectives: To understand the application of the techniques learned in Level I and Level II and their impact in stimulating a healing response. Students learn to prepare and apply the Luk Pra Krob (Thai herbal ball) and to develop a specific treatment plan.
Prerequisite: TMC Certification Level II

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​​To promote the Thai healing arts, as approved and endorsed by the Thai government, emphasizing safety, effectiveneess and politeness. Teaching and learning with passion, as well as, applying our knowledge and techniques with compassion. For students to learn and apply proven natural techniques to relieve pain and stress. We practice "Metta", one of the Buddhist principles of treating others with loving kindness.
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